Friday, December 14, 2007


Well, first quarter anyway.

I've learned how to feed, toilet, bathe, dress, and assess the residents in skilled nursing facilities. It was quite a learning experience, but I'm so excited to be done!

The worst part for me was not the toileting as you might think, it was the suctioning. One of our instructors said that everyone has a fluid that they just don't handle well and mucus is mine.

The best thing was walking in to a room and KNOWING what do to. I'm amazed by how much I've learned and how easily I bring it forward for use.

We already have a reading assignment for next quarter. We'll be doing Medical/Surgical acute care nursing. It's the hardest quarter of the entire program with more students dropping (and being dropped) during quarter 2 than any of the others. The last group of quarter 2 started with 30 students; there are only 22 left. We're already one student short as one of our classmates is expecting.

It's all about communication, electrolites, and fluid levels.